Alaskan Artist - Elise Tomlinson
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12/13/2003: "Yeah!"

Well, I sent an email to the owner of the Friendly Planet Trading Co that has the great new gallery space in downtown Juneau. He wrote back last night saying that I could have a solo this summer and let me pick which month I wanted. I chose July. I'm very excited. I was up all night, sleepless with my head full of ideas for my new paintings. I'm not exactly how much square footage I'll have but I have enough specific ideas right now for at least 10 paintings. I have exactly 6 months but I don't want to put it off as I'll be very busy next semester. I wish my back was feeling better, I'd start painting right now!

I'm missing my holiday party for work tonight because of my back as well. Instead I'm watching A Charlie Brown Christmas. I didn't remember Charlie Brown being so sad. It starts out with him saying "rats, nobody sent me Christmas card today. I know nobody likes me, why do we need to have a holiday to emphasize it".

then later: "I'm is sad shape, I feel depressed, I know I should feel happy but I don't"

Last year I was so into the holidays. I put up lots of white lights, had a beautiful tree, and did baking and made homemade presents for all my friends and family. This year it's a chore just to do a load of laundry. I haven't made a single present or sent out cards or even paid my bills recently. I need to get better soon.

At least I have the exhibit to look forward to. Nothing puts me in a better mood that starting work on a new series of work.