Alaskan Artist - Elise Tomlinson
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03/14/2004: "YEE HAW! Another day, another painting..."

Well, I had good intentions to continue working on my series of female nudes for July solo:

paintings (38k image)

But instead I started another new painting of Cillian Murphy. This is way different stylistically for me, but I decided to paint him as an American cowboy. I've always secretly wanted to paint a cowboy. I grew up in the middle of Nebraska's ranchland and a lot of my friend's dad's and older brothers were cowboys. I used to make fun of them at the time and call them "shit kickers" or "goat ropers" (the brothers and classmates, not the fathers) but now I remember them with fondness.

cowboy_thumb (34k image)

close (29k image)
Close-up of the face.

This is my last one I swear! And again I'm sorry for the poor photo quality but the only camera I have is the cheap little blink II which I love because it was FREE! (but actually doesn't work that great).

(UPDATE! I realized at some point that the cowboy painting looked more like Tom Cruise than Cillian. I think that's why I have to keep painting this guy, because he has some quality that I can't seem to get right. I keep trying. I think, yes, the shape of that eye is right, the shape of the head, the lips, the cheek bones, the brows, etc. on and on, the negative spaces between features, I've even measured the distances between the eyes, I just can't seem to get "it" whatever "it" makes him unique. I've worked on the cowboy painting more, and it's getting closer and closer. I'll take another photo soon, but not until it's finished.)

Replies: 2 Comments

on Monday, March 15th, Jacob said

Hey Elise, don't worry if you're not working on paintings for your show. Anytime you feel inspired to do new work, even to try new styles or subjects that you don't normally explore, that's a good thing. And when you're finished with this phase, maybe you'll have picked up some new tricks. I'm always going off on tangents based on things I've seen or read and I never worry that I won't find my way back eventually, or start down an even better path. Shows are good for keeping you working towards a deadline etc. but they shouldn't control your work. Ultimately only you have that power.

on Tuesday, March 16th, Elise said

Yes! You are very very right. thank you.