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10/02/2005: "Until we meet again..."

Last night I came home from work to a phone call from the Anchorage Daily News. A reporter had found the entry I had written about Fred Frontier's disappearance and wanted to quote from it for an article in the Sunday edition, since his mom has finally given up the search for him and had a mass said for him today in Anchorage.

I reminisced about Fred a little with the reporter (she had worked with him on the UAA newspaper) and it hit me again how much I adored the guy, and how hard it is to believe, as she put it, that "there isn't a Fred Frontier in the world anymore". I had a nice long cry about it and was set to stay in all night sinking in misery but then got a call from friends (and faux bluegrass bandmates) at the neighborhood bar letting me know a good bluegrass band was playing and that I should come join them. I decided to go anyway, as the music and laughing was more in line with Fred's spirit than staying home alone.

Then today the sun was *really* shining again and I realized how much that helps. I went for a long walk, then went down to my sailboat and hoisted the sails so they could dry out, and while they flapped in the breeze, I laid down in the cockpit in style. I had a little cushioned cot, pillow, blanket, mp3 player, beer, and a good book which I read two pages of before I set it down so I could just concentrate on the feel of the sun on my face.

A fellow sailor, Douglasite, and UAS professor came over with some fresh crab for me. He had just come in from checking his pots and had a nice little catch. I'm going to cook it up for dinner in a couple minutes. If I've had doubts recently, about Juneau, the weather, my they melted away. I've even had to revise my graph.

moods3 (13k image)

Replies: 8 Comments

on Sunday, October 2nd, greg said

What a difference a day makes! What's that they say? "It's alllll gooood!" :D

How was the band? Any dobro players?

I didnt see mention on what cycle your graph is recording there ... months, weeks, lifetime? Please not Hours?!? :O :)

on Sunday, October 2nd, Elise said

The band consisted of an upright bass, banjo, mandolin, and guitar...and then there was a second mandolin pick up. They sounded really good.

Oh, and as far as the chart goes, in some ways it could represent my moods during an hour, or a day, or a week, a month, the summer, year, my adult's a trend.

on Monday, October 3rd,">Sam said

I know I have not commented in some time but I do stop in almost daily to see what you've been up to. I remember when you first wrote about your missing friend, it is a very sad situation, maybe some day there will be closure?

I also wanted to say that I miss you posting images of your paintings. If you are working on some new pieces I would love to see them.

on Monday, October 3rd, Elise said

Sam, I'll post some new pieces when I have some new work to share. hopefully that'll be soon.

on Wednesday, October 5th, subi said

God, Elise, I never heard about Fred and his disappearance. That is so heartbreaking and sad. He was such an unbelievably open and free person--it is so hard to believe anyone could kill him. i am having a hard time digesting it. :(

on Wednesday, October 5th, Elise said

I'm so sorry Subi, I thought you knew. I was so certain of it...he has been missing for such a long time now and I've written about him a few times and talked to so many people about it already.

Anyway, I'm sorry you had to hear about it like this. I do know how you feel though, because I feel the same...and it really sucks. If you ever feel like talking....I'm not sure what the rates are like to Switzerland but I've got an international calling card.

on Thursday, October 6th, subi said

i would love to call you elise. could you send me your home # via email? i keep thinking and rethinking about Fred and possible things that might have happened. it sounds like his mom didn't have much support in the search from either gov't :( i wonder if there's any hope to continue the search...and where one might begin? there isn't too much info online about it, sadly. there will never be another fred. the world has really lost a special person.

on Thursday, October 6th, Elise said

Actually, my number is listed, including on this website so I don't mind just giving it to you here: 907-364-3694 I'm not sure what the time difference is for you, but if it's easier when I'm at work 9-6 ak time, it's 907-796-6440

I am looking forward to talking to you, even though it's under such terrible circumstances.