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06/01/2005: "Wa Hoooo!"

Some positive urges have resulted from what I can only describe as an embarrassing Alias marathon in which I watched 66 episodes in two weekends.

Urge 1. Nothing motivates me more than sitting on the couch for hours eating cheesy poofs while watching a gorgeous, physically fit woman run around kicking the shit out of everyone. Tomorrow I’m starting kickboxing lessons (don’t laugh) and I’m hiring a personal trainer. Truth is, I miss being strong and getting sweaty. Here’s the bag I ordered (ps. My dad won several Golden Gloves lightweight boxing trophies so maybe it’s in my genes!)

Urge 2. Something in me just shut down about (oh god!) 3 years ago. I basically quit men cold turkey and never looked back. Well, let’s just say I’m looking back again!

Urge 3. I never buy new clothes, shoes, make-up, jewelry, or style my hair etc. I don’t think a woman has to “doll up” in order to look good, but it’s fun to make a *little* effort.

Urge 4. I used to be adventurous, traveled and lived all over. 3 years ago (not a coincidence) I bought a house and I haven’t left the country since. I can take time off in the summer (I’m on a 9 month contract) so I’m going to start planning a big trip for next summer. I’m not sure where to go though, I’m thinking Giza, Hong Kong, Moscow or somewhere tropical and inexpensive where I can rent a sailboat and also go scuba diving again which I’ve never done without a cold water dry suit.

Anyway, how will I bankroll my Alias-inspired makeover? I’ll probably have to get a roommate (groan) but it will be worth it. By next summer a roommate would bring in an extra 6 grand! That’ll do pig. That’ll do.

alias-elise (25k image)

Me in a year (OK, I still won't be tall but...any ideas for my new moniker?)
PS this is supposed to be funny. :laugh:

Replies: 13 Comments

on Wednesday, June 1st, dave from Nebraska said

Do it. Do it all!!
Except the roommate thingy.
When you bring your honey home, three's a crowd.
You'll like the bag and workin out. Start out slow. I'm sure your trainer will tell ya that tho.
Instead of Elise just start calling yourself Alias. Then start signing you checks that way and signing your artwork.
Or you could try... SeaZombie!
That pic just cracks me up!

on Wednesday, June 1st, holly said

Excellent! Good on you for getting strong and sweaty. Wanna come on a cycling tour of southern France?

I'm still cracking up over the SeaZombie thing. I don't know why. It needs the little "tm" trademark symbol by it. Dave, see what you can do, stat.

on Wednesday, June 1st, Elise said

Hey I know Dave, I can start calling myself Elias!

As for "three's a crowd", I'll be sure my roomie isn't competion and then if she/he's there when I bring my honey home, we'll have to go to my room for privacy...

As for going on a cycling tour of Southern France...don't I wish! You're going this summer right?

I am going to try and ride my bike into work when the weather's nice, it just means getting up early as it's a 24 mile round trip and I'm not that fit yet.

And I agree, Dave should trade mark the SeaZombie name. I could draw a comic book of it. I did several popular ones in high school and college. Everyone's favorite was Lesbian Ninja.

on Wednesday, June 1st, greg said

If the moss hasnt taken over in 3 years there's still hope. There is nothing like the feeling of being fit ... cept maybe for the comfy chair ... ah cheesy poofs you say? Beer? cathode ray media entertainment? who needs a brain when there's 146 channels availible ... sure there's still relatively little worth watching, but dammit, I am determined to find the least worthless show out there ... and my "channel thumb" is the only muscle left in my body.

I am sorry, there is no hope for me ... run, bike, kick, while you still can Elise!!! Shed that alaskan flannel and jeans couture, embrace your inner leather!!! Watch out Cillian!! :D

on Wednesday, June 1st, Elise said

Haven't you heard Greg, Cillian got married, so...he's off the market. Damn, and I had such a realistic shot with him!

on Thursday, June 2nd, holly said

Next summer- 2006. See, there's time. Beer and cheesy poofs are loaded with carbs which are exactly what you need to pedal your metal. I wish my commute were longer (geez, how often do you hear anyone say that?) so I could actually train and feel like I get something worthwhile out of the ride.

on Thursday, June 2nd, Elise said

Ah well hell Holly, you have plenty of time to train! How long is your commute?

I am going to try and ride my bike down to the A&P grocery once a week. That would be about a 5 mile round trip. Not much but more likely I'll do that then ride into work.

on Thursday, June 2nd, greg said

NEXT summer?? whoo-hoo let's all go! Y'all can take turns pulling me around the Loire Valley in on one o'them "kid cabooses!" ... I'm used to women jerking me around! :laugh:

on Thursday, June 2nd, Elise said

Uh, oh...and by the way, if you've been reading this dad you know I'm *totally* kidding about inviting a guy back to my room, right????!

on Friday, June 3rd, subi said

hey Lisey! omg, we are living (sort of) parallel lives! I have been getting into shape too, and it's amazing hpw quickly the lbs have come off since simply cutting back ob breads and carbs in general! okay i have an idea for you! you do the bike tour with Holly but keep pedaling to Switzerland! people do it all the time...Or just come to Switzerland sans bike!

on Friday, June 3rd, Elise said

You look really amazing in that photo on your blog! Isn't it wonderful how good you start to feel after starting to work out and eat right again?

Remember when we used to do those detox kits!??? What were they called? Remember how you told me I had toxic eyes? Ah, I do miss you...we can be virtual work out buddies though. I think for Holly it will be a working vacation, she's doing research on the trip...but if Europe is on the agenda at all, I will be sure to come and see you in Switzerland.

on Sunday, June 5th, subi said

thank lise, but i've since had my hair done & am officially over my 'hair depression' :P they cut several inches off and conditioned the hell out of it and now it is more brown/with auburn highlights, i will post a pic soon....oh, and i think nearly everyone has toxic eyes, you know i'm still getting people hooked on such colonic devices! tehehe, kaia is doing it now! lol. i want to do it again as all begins in the colon! :laugh:

on Sunday, June 5th, Elise said

Well, I didn't believe you back then because I thought my eyes looked fantastic, but I'd believe you today. They always seem you think doing one of those detox kits would help with that? Maybe I'll go buy one this afternoon, they can be pretty harsh though...

Oh, and I'm feeling better about my hair too. I gave myself highlights and they turned out subtle and (I think) professional looking. My hair is getting pretty long, past my shoulders even...and I've actually started using conditioner (gasp) so it's super soft too.

A part of me despises myself for caring about such trivial things at all, but I look at improving outward appearances as the first step to improving my internal health...which isn't trival at all!